Forecast with accuracy

All you need is NEM12 data to start your energy flexibility analysis.

Energy forecast and analysis.

Quantify and understand the effect of changing conditions over time with user-defined, dynamic projection curves that apply year-on-year calculations. Test a range of financial variables with the projection curve feature. Forecast inflation, prices, cost of replacement and much more.

Forecast projection curves, for financial & engineering outputs.

Projection curves are easily created in a spread sheet and imported into Deep Energy. Reduce risk by testing both engineering and financial performance. Project the forward price of electricity, inflation, equipment replacement costs & timeframes, operational expenses and more.


Evaluate the best/likely/worst case of financial parameters.

  • Energy costs, inflation and discounted cash rates.
  • Consider operational and equipment replacement costs & lifecycle.
  • Emissions factor calculations quantify reductions in emissions for sustainability and carbon credit schemes.
  • Perform sensitivity analysis by changing input values in alternative scenarios.

Consider the full equipment lifecycle cost and replacement time-frames.

  • Stress test operational costs to see if the proposed solution is sustainable in the long term.
  • Implement energy savings measures in scenario modelling to assess materiality against external variables such as price.

Forecast the impact of energy price rises

Project the forward price of electricity to easily model the forecast cost of energy on the bottom-line.
  • The wholesale price projection

    A wholesale price projection curve quantifies costs against building data. Create custom electricity price projections.
    Forecast costs in likely, best and worst case scenarios.
    Understand the cost and risk of doing nothing.
    Seed a plan to mitigate rising costs, capitalise on flexibility opportunities and improve energy security whilst reducing emissions.

  • Adjust modelling forecasts

    Modify projections utilising a wide range of engineering and financial input parameters. Adjust variables such as energy prices, inflation rates, capital costs, operational costs, implementation timelines, and equipment replacement cycles to evaluate different scenarios and determine the optimal mix of energy measures.

  • Model changing conditions over time

    Create and apply projection curves to assumptions, such as CPI or equipment degradation to accurately model the effect of changing costs and operating conditions over time.

  • The wholesale price projection

    A wholesale price projection curve quantifies costs against building data. Create custom electricity price projections.
    Forecast costs in likely, best and worst case scenarios.
    Understand the cost and risk of doing nothing.
    Seed a plan to mitigate rising costs, capitalise on flexibility opportunities and improve energy security whilst reducing emissions.

  • Adjust modelling forecasts

    Modify projections utilising a wide range of engineering and financial input parameters. Adjust variables such as energy prices, inflation rates, capital costs, operational costs, implementation timelines, and equipment replacement cycles to evaluate different scenarios and determine the optimal mix of energy measures.

  • Model changing conditions over time

    Create and apply projection curves to assumptions, such as CPI or equipment degradation to accurately model the effect of changing costs and operating conditions over time.


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